What is Girls Night In?
I found that I could be completely honest with the group on my emotions and feelings.
- GNI participant
Girls Night In (GNI) is a youth program that was created in 2019 and has engaged over 130 young girls from across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). It was founded by a group of young-adult women who are passionate about female empowerment and teaching young girls how to be the best version of themselves. GNI is built upon three core goals for youth: talk, eat, and have fun! It encourages active living, healthy bodies, and healthy minds. This is developed through solution-focused methods and mentorship to ensure that every girl of GNI feels they can achieve a healthy body and mind.
Girls Night In has collaborated with For Youth Initiative as well as many other partner organizations to serve as a safe space where girls feel comfortable to express themselves. It is here that girls can develop leadership skills, share their experiences, get advice, as well as continue to establish a positive sense of self. At GNI, young girls have discovered a space where they can be their true selves and can create lasting relationships with other young girls who share similar obstacles and curiosities.
"Girls Night In to me, is inclusive of everyone. It gave me a place to voice my opinions." - Adowa, GNI participant
In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the program has shifted from an in-person setting to an online one for the time being. Although it is now virtual, participants still engage in the same fun activities including virtual art nights, make-up and skin care workshops, and group games. Throughout the duration of the program female mentors and the girls of GNI discuss an array of topics related to young women including:
mental health
post-secondary education
future career goals
and creating an improved self-image
Participation in Girls Night In supports youth to improve their self-confidence and create new friendships in an open-minded and positive environment. Youth participants also earn bus tickets, gift cards, and volunteer hours for their weekly attendance and active participation.
What youth gain from joining Girls Night In:
Receive genuine advice and mentorship
Develop skills that will be beneficial in helping them achieve future personal and career goals
Learn more about female empowerment, post-secondary readiness, and self care
Since partnering with Girls Night In, FYI has supported 10 youth across two cohorts. We look forward to reaching more!
Interested in signing up for Girls Night In? Email Andressa, andressa@foryouth.ca to register.