Walking Alongside Youth Navigating the Justice System
For Youth Initiative’s Youth Justice programming is holistic, person-centered, and committed to meeting each young person where they are to provide the support they need. The Youth Justice Program focuses on major areas of support which include Preventative Measures, Diversion Programming, Rehabilitation, and Reintegration. In response to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, For Youth Initiative continues to support youth and families in adaptive ways as they have needed to navigate the suspension of court cases. With the support of a Capacity-Building grant from the Law Foundation of Ontario, we worked closely with a Community Legal Consultant to conduct a needs assessment of our Youth Justice programs and services, expand our Legal Advisory Committee, assess and update our team training and develop strategic partnerships across the youth justice sector. This process has resulted in the creation of a comprehensive virtual intake and triage referral process pilot, an expanded Diversion program (RISE Diversion), and the addition of Victims of Violence services that includes trauma-informed counselling for young people affected by violence within their community. All of our Youth Justice programming and wraparound support service options have the ability to be facilitated virtually or in person.
RISE Diversion Program
RISE is a 15-session diversion program that supports youth 12-17 who have interacted with the criminal justice system. It supports court mandated youth in fulfilling their obligations to meet Extrajudicial Sanctions (EJS) and community service orders by participating and engaging with FYI staff or mentors.
RISE intervenes and disrupts violence by bringing focus back to the individual and highlights important influential areas of their life that lead to a positive, goal-oriented future.
The five key areas of focus within the program are:
Identity/ Lived Experience
Family Wellbeing
Human Rights/ Youth Justice Education
Launched new Diversion pilot program (RISE Diversion) in August
Hired Youth Social Worker to facilitate group mental health programming, lead rehabilitation services and support 1:1 counseling for RISE Diversion participants
Hired Youth Justice Coordinator to conduct client intake, conduct community outreach, and establish referral partnerships
In 2018, R.I.S.E. launched a Know Your Rights campaign. The campaign consisted of a series of workshops to teach youth about their legal rights, as well as a youth-led video series to raise awareness about youth legal rights.
“Being here taught me that I’m more than what people think I am. Being here, I was showed how important it is to be in school and how it’s important to get a job and stay away from crime and stuff that can get you charges, because it’s only going to hurt me. [Staff] showed me that I’m better than the person I thought I was.”