FYI Opens its Doors to the Oakwood-Vaughan Community
On Friday, September 10th, For Youth Initiative (FYI) opened its doors to the Oakwood-Vaughan community and celebrated the launch of its new youth space with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, alongside Councillor Josh Matlow.
Down a set of stairs from the sidewalk, the space will serve youth aged 12 to 29 with homework help and one-on-one tutoring as well as career and academic planning, justice counselling, anti-Black racism support in schools, settlement services, job preparation and more.
The large, brightly-lit site has movable shared tables, desks surrounded by dividers for quieter studying or tutoring, multiple computers, a lounge area and a separate counselling room with armchairs.
The event was a huge success and we look forward to continuing to build connections with our community and providing support to youth in the community. The FYI on Oakwood site will officially open for 1-on-1 in-person support in October. Until then, feel free to join in on all of our amazing virtual fall programs!
Left to Right: Youth, Josh Matlow, Shaneeza Nazseer Ally, and Jill Andrews joyfully cut the ribbon at the entrance of FYI’s new Oakwood-Vaughn location.